Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moyo Is An Island In West Nusa Tenggara

Moyo is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. It lies off the coast off the north coast Sumbawa Island.

Moyo island has incredible natural wealth. The beautiful Moyo Island located in the northern island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Seeing the beauty of the beach, sea and nature, offers serenity for nature lovers and underwater.

Moyo Island area of approximately 30.000 hectares. Beautiful forests almost untouched, waterfalls, natural rivers or marine parks will be find here.

Most of Moyo is a nature reserve, and inhabited by wild cattle, wild pigs,deer, and several varieties of birds.

The snorkelling here is absolutely excellent, with warm, clear waters, some beautiful soft and hard coral and a multitude of brightly coloured fish. It really is a totally different world down there.

Dragon Komodo Island

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as the Komodo dragon habitat for native animals. The island is also the Komodo National Park is managed by the central government. Komodo Island to the west of Sumbawa Island, separated by Sape Strait.

Crazy Lombok...! FUNtastic Island Trip...

Lombok is one of the many islands in Indonesia, which is stunning with the beauty and the beauty alamnya.Tak wonder so many people rushing - throng went there.

If the fatigue of work were mounting, the island of Lombok can remove all these tired. So, join with us, the trip "Crazy Lombok"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Beautiful Kelimutu Lake

Beautiful Kelimutu Lake, Amazing Panorama In Asian.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Indonesia’s Enormous Tourism Potential

Indonesia is the one of the largest countries in the world and is the one with the most number of islands. It is extremely rich in diversity of culture, heritage, and places of interest.

From the far west of Sabang to the far east in Merauke, the country has a variety of culture that is as vast as the color spectrum in a rainbow. Although the majority of the population is Javanese, there are cultures which are simply very different from those of the Javanese as evident in the dialects, architecture, places of interest, and the social etiquettes, to name a few of the aspects. Certainly those are what tourists usually look for and generally are willing to pay for the unique experiences.

Unfortunately, the international community appears to mostly only know the island of the gods, Bali. Interestingly, there are even some who are aware of Bali but are not quite aware that Bali is actually an island which is part of Indonesia. Hence not surprisingly, the most number of international arrivals in Indonesia are only in both Bali and the capital of the nation itself, Jakarta, far from the optimum.

Despite the vast offerings by Indonesia’s tourism sector which can potentially generate tens of billions of dollars of foreign exchange reserves for the nation, the true potential remains hidden, even to a large segment of the local population.

A fair amount of effort thus needs to be channeled towards raising Indonesia’s brand, profile in the international arena. A step taken by Indonesia’s investment board in their advertising in Bloomberg channel is encouraging. Something similar to that of “Malaysia – truly Asia” campaign by Indonesia is further needed.

Something innovative and on a serious scale similar to efforts undertaken by the Japan Foundation in promoting the Japanese culture, including even some TV series, can be an interesting move forward.

And practically, a lot more information on Indonesia’s places of interests, activities need to be available in Indonesian consulates and embassies situated all around the world, with different themes showcased at different times or seasons, in as much interesting details as possible.

On the ground itself, a bit of efforts to make things more organized for the tourists are also needed. The last thing tourists want to get is for the locals to chaotically approach them. Something organized like simple elephant shows in Thailand can be a good example. Tourists generally are more than glad to give tips anyway as long as they are satisfied.

If something as simple as that can generate foreign exchange for Thailand, it looks like Indonesia can exceed that without too much difficulty. As the numbers speak for themselves, Indonesia actually has more tourist spots than Thailand, hands down. If only they are developed to full potential, such as the coral reefs in the east, an exceptionally beautiful Lake Toba in the west (Sumatra), and various potential eco-tourism spots, there is actually hardly any SE Asian country that stands much of a chance to compare against such a long list of virtually all very exotic, exciting places to visit. And all of these can be achieved. After all, Bali itself a few decades ago was hardly developed, yet it managed to become a premier tourist destination.

As the efforts start to bear fruit, the international perception of Indonesia will shift from some place on earth regularly portrayed negatively to something interesting worth looking at, and visiting, thus bringing great prosperity to the nation as a whole, all the way down to the local citizen level.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bull Racing In Sumenep

Bull Racing: The Unique Competition In Sumenep

The Competition Using Strong Bull. Bull racing game that is very interesting and lively. As an attractive tourist entertainment.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Imbulun Sangir Waterfall Tourism Beautiful

Imbulun Sangir Waterfall: Photo by Adji K

West Sumatra's natural beauty has long had regional cachet, even dating back to the early 1900s during the Dutch Colonial era.

It abounds with mountains, valleys, rivers, springs, caves and forests. One regency in the province, Solok Selatan, or South Solok, has them all. Recently we traveled through Solok Selatan for five days to see for ourselves how the natural beauty was standing up.

Our rental car set off on smooth asphalt roads from the Minangkabau International Airport leaving West Sumatra's capital Padang behind us. Just past the Bung Hatta Nature Park, we began the first real adventure: twisting and turning roads with plenty of rocky roadbed. But we had no excuse to worry: The lush vegetation and clean, fast-running streams caught our attention from both sides of the car.

The rain caught up with us when we made a stop at Kayo Aro Lubuk Selasih restaurant for lunch. It was still a long way to Solok Selatan. Another stop we made was at Di Atas Lake before reaching the border between Solok Selatan and Solok. Before dusk we arrived at Wisma Umi Kalsum lodging in Muaro Labuh where we stayed the night. We fell on a happy coincidence for we got the chance to enjoy rarely seen traditional performances like Rahab and Saluang Panjang after dinner, staged for some well-heeled guests staying at the modest inn.